Home Inspection

Home Inspection

The decision to sell or purchase a home is an important decision, and how better to proceed than with accurate and reliable information about the property in question. All inspections from Pio Home Inspection Team provides everything you need to know about a property from roofing to electrical and so much more!

Our inspections include the following:

Electrical system
Plumbing system
Heating and cooling system
Lot drainage
Water Heater
Windows and doors
And More!!!

Home Inspection Cost:

The Cost of a home inspection varies per home due to age, size and other factors. Since no house is the same and you will need other types of inspections for the Insurance company, we will be happy to talk to you and set up an appointment.

Don't let the cost out way the value of a home inspection. A home inspection will give you more information on the home. Some information could be a deal breaker and other information could be maintenance or repairs you will accept and can budget for.New Paragraph

Wind Mitigation

A wind mitigation inspection report informs the insurance company of a home's construction in order to determine its stability in the event of strong winds. A homeowner with windstorm insurance can often submit the results of this report to their insurer and obtain discounts on their windstorm insurance.

Schedule One Today


+1 (352) 895-6881

1 (352) 804-2351

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